Lola logo in red letters

At Christianshavn

Restaurant Lola

Lola Figur

Book your table at Lola


Our opening hours are
Tuesday-Sunday 11.30 am to 3 pm.
Wednesday-Saturday 5 pm to midnight.

A cancellation fee will only take effect if you cancel the booking less than 8 hours before your reservation or do not show up at all.

We look forward to seeing all of you!


Take away

Spoil yourself and your family with super tasty Indian takeaway.
David´s talents are truly expressed when we gets to throw around his garam masala, cold-smoke the butter chicken and thicken his sauce with roasted cashews. Grab a mango lassi or a chilled wine to get the full experience and don’t forget the naan!

At Lola

Our gastronomic profile is an inspiration from all the wonderful places we have eaten, lived and worked around the world. 

The classic kitchen hierarchy is mostly about promoting a well-known chef as the main attraction. This has its advantages to a certain extent, but our philosophy is that you are nothing without your team. Everyone can be part of the process, have ideas and create new ways of doing things, both gastronomically and in regards to communication and well-being.

We are each our own collection of unique experiences and inspirations and we believe our guests should benefit from that.

Fugl ikon

More than just a meal

Food brings us together. It gives us the perfect excuse to kick back and enjoy each other's company for a while... or all night long. At Lola we dream of offering you the perfect spot where you can forget everything around you and just enjoy the moment. Meanwhile we´ll make sure to source the best ingredients, beverages and, with inspiration from many parts of the world, the best flavor combinations. Expect a kick of flavors from Latin-America, India and South-East Asia.

Lola er en del af noget større

Lolas sociale arbejde kalder vi Entrée. Det er grundstenen i Restaurant Lola. Det består af to spor. Et omhandler det vi gør internt i huset for at sikre os, at vi har en arbejdsplads, som vi kan holde til at arbejde på i mange år uden at skulle gå på kompromis med hverken vores fysiske eller mentale helbred.

Vi overholder arbejdstider, taler pænt og har nultolerance overfor både sexisme og racisme i Lolas hus.Vi arbejder aktivt for, at vores måde at organisere os, arbejde og kommunikere på, kan være med til at sætte en ny standard for hele branchen.

Det andet spor omhandler de projekter, vi laver ude af huset med eksterne samarbejdspartnere. Disse involverer mennesker, der af den ene eller anden grund står på kanten af arbejdsmarkedet og skal have en hånd og en mulighed for at lykkes med deres arbejdsliv.

Begge spor er forankrede i tanken om det rummelige arbejdsmarked og en ledelsesstil, der er inkluderende og støttende.
For mere information, kontakt Mette Strarup

Event med Lola

Vi håber på at være med til at fejre dig!
Send os en forespørgsel, hvis I drømmer om fødselsdag, konfirmation, bryllup eller bare en lækker fest. Vi vil så gerne lægge hus til jeres fejring, men muligheder for catering eksisterer selvfølgelig også, hvis i allerede selv har rammerne.

Lola events

We hope to be part of your celebration!
Send us a request if you dream of celebrating your birthday, confirmation, wedding or just having a smashing party. We would love to host your celebration, and we’re also happy to cater your event if you already have a venue locked down.

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The drawing of Lola in blue